Just another blog

  • I, Read

    I try to read as much as I can when I get a chance. The 45 minute bus ride that takes me home gives me ample time to get a few pages in, and the activity also keeps me away from unwanted conversations with other passengers. However, a few weeks ago I did get into…

  • Half Marathon – Finisher

    Half Marathon – Finisher

    I finished the Half Marathon. March 3rd i join the rank of runners who have successfully completed a half-marathon. I finished the race in 2 hours and 47 minutes. Agreed, the last few miles were the hardest. There were moments when i just wanted to stop and go home. The pace i was running did…

  • The Existential Crisis Phenomenon

    Time flies! Busy Day! I hear these statements a lot. I have also wondered as how I can spend days, weeks, months and yet have the overwhelming feeling that I have done nothing special. In the recent past, I have found solace in order. I have a schedule that I have tried to keep up…

  • The importance of Kindness

    Some time ago, my dad was conned in a bus ride back from work. A crook picked his pocket while another distracted him with a story that he saw money fall out from my Dad’s bag. He only had a photo copy of his drivers license and a few spare change for the bus fare…

  • There is an app for that

    So every company is at promoting the buzzwords Digital, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud to employees and customers alike. The place i work at is also seeing a digital revolution and the upper management has asked us to come up with innovative mobile apps that disrupt the regular lives. I do understand the smart phone has changed…

  • Getting on Track

    Three years after I started playing tennis, I noticed that my shot making skills had improved yet my fitness levels remained the same. I would start getting tired towards the end of the first hour and then get progressively worse with each passing second. I blamed the heat, the lack of food, too much food…

  • Tennis Racquets

    Tennis has been a sport that I have watched for long, yet surprisingly I had only attempted to play the game twice in 28 years. Yet in the last few years tennis has become a favorite hobby. Here is a list of pointers to help you choose a racquet and get started on this wonderful…

  • Demonetization Thoughts

    On November 8th 2016, the prime minister of India announced on National TV that the 500 and 1000 rupee notes were demonetized effective midnight. The PM announced that the people had until Dec 31 to exchange the old notes. Post Dec 31 the people could exchange them at the specified RBI branches. The government believed…

  • Random Thoughts

    Let us just say that some things trouble me. I cannot understand the father who says his son was punished for 20 minutes of action when he raped a girl. I feel helpless when I read about doctors in Syria have to plead for the bombing to stop. I dread the days when Nadal and…

  • Being Human

    Albert Einstein once said ” I have no special talent, but I am passionately curios”.  I am no Einstein, but do feel a need to understand how things work. I was certainly not born this way, but over time I started to understand the importance of knowing how things work.  The pursuit of knowledge marked…