The Year that Was

The New year’s eve is a beautiful day. It is a day you get to review the path trodden and a day to plan out your path for a new start. A moment to retrospect and a moment to plan for the future. Another thing I like about it is the fireworks that welcome the new year. They remind me of my dreams, some of them shoot up so high, some of them dazzle in the night sky with the brightest of colors and as they fizzle out in the nothingness an insane soul brings forth fragments of memories of the year that was. Memories that made me smile, look up in despair, watch in awe, and sulk in the deepest corner of my mind.

So here is Timeline 2011

The Reception – Wedding receptions can usually be a boring family affair , but this one was different as it marked a mini reunion of old batch mates at the Land of Liquor and Lakes. And as a bonus a couple of days later met future Mrs.D.B Too. Not a bad start

The World cup and other Days – A year older, and India won the world cup as well, a couple more reasons to celebrate.

The Where was I Days – Three months whiled away with nothing to do, I kept waiting for something to happen, nothing @ work, nothing in the IPL, At last something in Life: an engagement.

The Wedding – A Monster change in life, DB the married guy, new family, beautiful wife, new life, and ah beautiful days.

The Wait – Kept waiting for the jumpstart that would propel me through the rest of the year; turned to be a long wait to even get a move on

The Protestors – Tried to understand the Protestor, The Person of the year. Reasoned with few, thought of others as idiotic

  Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Amidst Broken dreams, fading memories, I cling on, willing myself to fight on.

Music – Found joy in Music again Mat Kearney, Shruti Box provided immense relief.

Mrs.DB – Life Partner indeed, smiles and more smiles.

As the last one lights up the sky and fills up the night sky I hold her hands and a silent prayer fills my mind. May the new year bring each closer to realizing what he wants in life.






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